Bingli is a scaleup that has created a chatbot that brings “quality time” back into the doctor’s consultation.
The chatboy asks the patient 70 to 100% of the medical history questions before the face-to-face consultation. As a result, the consultation is more complete and efficient.

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Context and Need

The history alone can provide 60-80% of the information relevant to a diagnosis while the physical examination would contribute for 12% and 11% for laboratory…


Facts and Figures

Key Dates The Bingli project was born in 2017. The founders of Bingli were Tom Van de Putte and Piet Van de Steen, an orthopedic…


Team and Inner Circle

Piet Van de Steen, MD, MBA          MD, orthopedic surgery, graduated Magna Cum Laude from the…


Digital Solution

Positioning Bingli is a startup founded in 2017. The actual commercial launch took place at the end of 2019. Bingli is developing an AI that…


Value Proposition

Customer Targets   Early Customers The first clients of Bingli were: GPs who were participating in a project with the University of Antwerp Some particularly…


Business Development

Business and Sales Strategy It is a model based on an annual fee that the doctor or hospital pays based on utilization (number of patients,…


Use Case at a Glance

Context and needs Dirk Van Genechten is a GP. He works in a medical house with 3 other GPs. They have been using Bingli for…


Redaction : Martine Vanschoor

Scientific direction : Thierry Vermeeren

Reading committee : Martine Vanschoor

Layout and graphics : Véronique Toussaint, David Renquet

Date of publication : July 2021